Using the Hand in Hand Listening Tools in childcare settings.
Hand in Hand is a connection-based approach to parenting and working with children (see Hand in Hand Parenting was founded in 1989 in the US and now has many instructors in countries all over the world. The founder of Hand in Hand, Patty Wipfler, set up and ran a pre-school using the Hand in Hand ethos and tools, and the organisation has decades of experience in supporting parents and people who work with children. At the Secret Garden we have been using the Hand in Hand approach in our work with pre-school children since 2015, and have experienced great outcomes for children, staff and parents.
Hand in Hand uses 5 simple and effective listening tools based on listening to children, which can help:
- Build stronger and closer relationships with the children in your care
- Increase cooperation
- Work with separation anxiety and clinginess
- Provide effective tools and strategies for working with aggression and challenging behaviour
- Give clear guidelines for setting warm and effective limits
- Develop connection based strategies in areas where there are commonly tensions, such as sharing and “saying sorry”
- Build networks of support for the adults who are caring for children,

A series of workshops will be facilitated by Louise Durrant, a certified instructor of Hand in Hand Parenting (you can read Louise’s story on the Hand in Hand website here) who is also Training Facilitator at Secret Garden. The sessions are usually limited to around 6 places so that we can work together in a small group, with plenty of opportunity to ask questions, reflect on individual practice and participate in listening support groups.
Hand in Hand mini series
We regularly run mini series, each one consisting of an Introduction Session and two Topic Sessions. Participants attended an Intro Session before they were able to attend a Topic. Once they attended an intro session they were able to book for as many topic sessions as they liked.
From feedback, the series were well received and we are currently exploring dates for further HiH courses and series.
If you have any questions or wish to explore any bespoke HiH training options please contact us at the office: