In the Woods

A space for nature….

Creating a nature table in your home

A shelf displaying items from Autumn including flowers, leaves, seeds and berries

A nature table is somewhere dedicated to the display of found, natural objects. It can be as simple as a space to put the piles of leaves/ conkers/ stones and other items collected on a walk, as complex as a detailed seasonal scene complete with animals and other characters…and many things in between. It can be chaotic or organised, a fixed collection added to over time or ever changing. And it doesn’t have to be a table – a shelf, windowsill or alcove works brilliantly.

The idea of a nature table comes partly from the Steiner tradition, with the concept of ‘bringing the outside in’ and having a focus on nature as our main teacher and source of knowledge about the world (also a Secret Garden principle.) The practice also harks back to the much older human practise of gathering and collecting not just edibles but useful, pretty and interesting things, which appeals to many of us adults but is also a fairly universal childhood passion. It also owes something to the concept of the home or family altar as a sacred space within the home.

A shelf displaying items celebrating the winter solstice

Why have one?

• Nature tables are a great way to create a space at home which reflects and highlights the changing seasons, a focus for children’s natural interest in the world, and a way of bringing an awareness of the cycles of life into the family and even a little bit of magic.

• The space provides somewhere to put all those treasures that are collected on walks/ holidays/ days out or that make their way home from a day in the woods at Secret Garden. Through valuing and talking about these we can develop and nourish our children’s natural biophilia (love of nature) and build their future capacity for learning and caring about the natural world. It can become a focus for and ignite new interests (we now have an entire shelf of skulls above our actual nature shelf, and I have discovered I find them as intriguing as my son does) and be a great leaping off point for other activities… if the kids (or you) are interested you can keep a collection of magnifiers/ ID charts/ swatch books nearby so things can be looked at more closely and identified. Spore prints, leaf and bark rubbings, painted stones, and whittled sticks… all these things can lead on from the nature table depending on what people are inspired by and interested in.

• There are great mental and physical health benefits to being outside and foraging/ creating with natural materials, the nature table can inspire more of this and is a really good habit to embed into family life and for the children to build on as they grow up

• It’s really fun and creative, every family does it differently and as time goes on the children can really take ownership of it by suggesting ideas/ bringing things to contribute/ changing and decorating the space (be prepared for a few plastic dinosaurs/ toy cars to creep in…!)

A shelf displaying items celebrating Easter including painted eggs and animals

What do you do?

Make sure your chosen space is at child eye level or below, so they can really see it and be involved.

Start simple – leaves/ flowers/ sticks/ pine cones/ stones/ moss/ – appreciate the natural beauty and interest in these things, try to display them so they can really be appreciated. Over time you might hang onto a few particularly handy things – a nice bit of root/ a chunky stone/ a branch because they’re good for creating displays and can become semi permanent features – but it can also be nice to switch things up fairly often to make space for new things.

You can change the whole thing every so often to reflect a new season or festival, or you can just keep adding and taking things away to create a rolling seasonal collection.

If you’re religious you can bring in symbolism from your yearly festivals… if not, or as well, you can have an awareness of the seasonal cycle of solstices and equinoxes and some of the associated festivals like hallowe’en, and use the space to celebrate these in a nature focused way.

I found my kids really liked having/ creating traditions, eg we always make a special Spring Equinox / Easter tree and hang painted eggs on a tree branch, and we make a special ‘advent’ nature shelf each December with ivy, pine, holly etc and stick a gold star up each day culminating at Winter Solstice with 21 gold stars on a blue velvet background (an old pair of tracksuit bottoms!) In this way we can acknowledge both the old earth festivals and their modern equivalents, bringing a sense of celebration and appreciation to every season. Traditions and favourites will emerge for your family over time and it can be lovely to save things you’ve made from one year to the next (painted blown eggs/ paper stars/ special pictures) so they can come out again and again.

Adding in other elements can work really well… a bowl with water, a candle for fire or a picture of the sun, a handheld wind spinner… bring your imagination and sense of fun and creativity to the party!

A shelf displaying items gathered from nature in winter including spruce twigs, seeds and small logs and sticks

Handy resources

• coloured cloths or paper for hanging as backgrounds or laying down as a surface to place things on – nice to change these with the seasons eg pale yellows/ greens/ pinks for spring, bright greens/oranges/reds for summer, pale blues/ whites for winter

• Little wooden or plastic animals or birds eg lambs for spring, crows/ owls for winter…

• Bowls/ baskets/ jars/ trays to display things in and on

• It can be nice to add in wee characters eg flower fairies in spring/ summer, or gnomes/ angels towards Christmas… you can build a collection as time goes on

• If you’re crafty, you can get into making nice backgrounds/ threading berries/ making little autumn animal creatures from conkers, cutting out coloured card to make background pictures etc

• If you’re into the science you can have magnifying glasses/ growing projects/ ID charts etc to hand

A shelf displaying items celebrating summer including lavender flowers, paper birds and bees and twigs

Things to watch out for…

Be aware of your impact when collecting, are you taking things that are important food/ bedding/ protection for someone or something? Many species rely on dead/ fallen wood… moss grows very slowly… might the bird come back and use the nest again? Nuts are pretty but also the squirrels need them… do your gathering with care and use it as an opportunity to have those conversations and build awareness about the other species we share the land with. Good also to be aware that there are nature protection laws around taking any wild birds eggs, picking certain flowers, and collecting bones from protected species (eg otters) so inform yourself of these and if in doubt, don’t.

There isn’t really much that can go wrong but a few pitfalls to avoid include:

Being over precious – keep your sense of humour and make sure the kids get to feel like its their space too… even if you have just spent ages perfecting an idyllic autumn scene only for them to park a fire engine in the middle!! Finding ways to catch their interest but keep it nature focused is a good approach – spend time making things to go on there, or arranging things together. Special ‘collecting walks’ are fun too.

Look out for abandoning things too long to go mouldy! (easily done in summer when everyone’s outside a lot, or in autumn when piles of damp leaves and conkers can fester) I have found our nature shelf is at its most vibrant in spring and autumn when there’s a lot of change in the natural world, and we are at home enough or in a routine enough to pay attention to it – in the summer it tends to get neglected, with holidays and being outside a lot more anyway and in the winter it can stagnate a little but those evergreens can handle it!

Further reading, inspiration & resources

Natures playground – Danks & Schofield

All year round – A Calendar of Celebrations Marije Rowling (Hawthorn Press – good for lots of other Steiner resources)

Crafts through the year T & P Berger (Floris Books (ditto) )

Coyotes Guide to Nature Connection Jon Young (For a deeper dive into Nature Connection)

FSC fold out ID charts / field guides ( Woodland Trust swatch books (

Myriad Toys and Crafts – online shop for Steiner waldorf resources/ felt flower fairies/ wooden animals plus blog

“Its fun to put all the different decorations up and change it around depending on the seasons, and also its just a nice thing to have in the house” (quote from Phoebe aged 10)

By Anna Kinross with editing and extra inspiration from Mazz Brown

In the Woods

Filling Bellies not Bins

By Mazz Brown with kind contributions from Anna Kinross

Did you celebrate Zero Waste Week?

We painted our faces with berry juice, banged drums with celery drumsticks and fashioned bunting from beautiful streamers of carrot peel (one of these statements is almost true…)

Inspired by this brilliant initiative- very much in alignment with our values- here at the Secret Garden we did in fact use it as an opportunity to think about how we are eating, how our energy needs at this time of year are changing while we’re in the woods, and how to try and save as much as possible from the compost and rubbish bins.

It was an indecisive summer, capricious weather softening into an autumn that announced its presence mildly. While some fruits and vegetables have stretched their harvests beyond the traditional window, others have been and gone in a skylight.

At the Secret Garden, perfectly ripe raspberries were still being devoured in the second week of October from bushes sparse of leaf. Brambles and elderberries have almost gone, while elsewhere tomatoes still ripen on the vine.

Such eye-watering abundance of some crops juxtaposed with limited time to make use of others can be tricky to manage and throw up some challenges when it comes to reducing waste.

There are a wealth of good recipe ideas here, as well as a handy tool if you happen to have a glut of any one thing:

Due to significant efforts on the part of every age group involved in the Secret Garden community, we have seen the Grow Your Own Snack initiative through from germination to fruition; securing funding, building and planting up new raised beds, sourcing new cooking equipment and upskilling staff, volunteers and children alike.

There has been a lovely feeling of the cycle completing as we have enjoyed this bounty, supplementing our snack provision with more variety, and demonstrably emboldening the children to try new things. One staff member reports seeing children consuming mouthful after mouthful of chard, even arriving in the park at the end of the day still clutching and chewing vegetables from the garden!

Here at the nursery, crumbles and soups have been an excellent, nutritious and relatively straightforward way to use up our produce, and have been a hit with the children, who appear to really relish the chance to help with the picking, preparing, cooking and tasting.

Next, pumpkins, possibly one of the most intimidatingly fibrous of all vegetables, have had their short-lived time in the spotlight-quite literally, when carved into lanterns. But they are an excellent source of nutrients and also give immune systems a timely boost:

As well as the above recipe ideas, pumpkin seeds can be seasoned and roasted for a tasty snack, flesh diced for one-pan traybakes with any type of sausage, or steamed and pureed to make scones, cakes or pies.

The days are shortening, and as the wind regains its edge, we are also inclined to look at the lunches we all bring from home to enjoy in the woods, and how these can best support our ongoing health and vitality in the months to come.

On a typical day, every member of the nursery community will spend time sitting down, sometimes for long periods if they are immersed in play. As no season should put a stop to this, we find that warm and energy-rich foods are particularly beneficial for keeping metabolisms ticking along happily, imaginations firing and faces smiling.

Porridge, beans, pasta, soup, leftover stew or casserole in an insulated thermos are all excellent, popular options.

For children who are completely resistant to warm foods whatever the weather, a flask of warm juice, hot chocolate or tea is a great accompaniment to their cold lunch.

“I love a cuppa tea,” a five year old Secret Gardener reliably informed us recently.

How we transport our food is another thing we must always consider. The scourge of single-use plastic is everywhere and almost impossible to avoid. In our snack provision, the majority of the food we provide is stored in reusable containers, yet there is still an unavoidable element of waste that cannot be reused or recycled.

Being where we are, in an entirely rubbish-bin free woodland with the onus on us to take away what we don’t need, we frequently reflect on how much waste we are all personally bringing, and how to reduce this as much as possible.

Home baking is a great way to help with this, particularly in the cooler months when carbohydrate needs are increased. This is an excellent choice for so many reasons; almost all children love to help and may also be more inclined to eat something they have helped prepare, having autonomy over ingredients enables full control nutritionally, as well as alleviating worry over any dietary restrictions/allergies, baking can be done in bulk and frozen in appropriate portions for a quick addition to lunchboxes, and packaging at home allows you to reject plastic in favour of more sustainable materials.

Metal tiffin boxes, Tupperware, thermoses and wax wraps are all welcome and frequent visitors to the woods, washable and reusable-as well as another opportunity for children to exert their independence in looking after their belongings, as these will all return home.

This recipe from the Secret Garden cookbook is a great example of a nutritionally dense, easily portionable and allergen-free option, kindly donated from the Pillars of Hercules farm shop and cafe. Feel free to substitute with other types of fruit/seeds if preferred.

Further resources:

In the Woods

Embarking on the next chapter

A child wraps rope around a log in a forest

Written by Emma Goodfellow with input and contributions from Mazz Brown, Louise Durrant, Clare Davis and Vicky Hobba.

Families often wonder how best to educate their child, and as they reach preschool age, we often hear questions such as, “How do children adapt from playing outdoors all day, to sitting at a desk and needing to learn numbers and letters when they don’t learn them at the nursery?” 

Firstly, we find that almost all children settle at school with no problems, and there is often quiet relief that the very active and vocal child that parents and carers worry about funnels their energy into exciting new learning.

Secondly, we see the children engaging with numeracy and literacy daily at the nursery. This can be through their own play such as comparing stick lengths for building den structures, singing while playing, exploring our number resources or mark making on paper, the ground or trees. It can also be practitioner driven by the songs we sing for transitions and activities during the day, special focus on children with delayed speech and language or the many oral and read stories we integrate into our day. Free play in the woodland environment is perfect for the development of whole body coordination, gross and fine motor skills, all of which are important and age appropriate foundations for the numeracy and literacy skills which will be learned in school. These are just a few examples, and we record notable ones for supporting the children’s development. 

As a parent who has recently been through this transition twice from The Secret Garden to primary school, I have some insight into the experience. Naturally, every child and family are different in their needs when transitioning into their school years, and it would be good to highlight that there isn’t a single straightforward answer for how a child (or parent/Carer!) should be supported through the changes they`ll experience, or what kind of education would suit your child.

What are the options?

When looking at all the options, whether that is diving straight into P1, deferring a younger child, starting after P1, flexi-schooling or home educating it may feel difficult to decide what to do. The good news is you can review how your child is doing over time and make changes to suit them and you. 

Some children are ready to make the transition straight into P1 and thrive in the school environment. For others, it takes some time for them to settle in. For families who don’t have a choice to defer, flexi school or home educate, schools are well placed to support a younger child or one who might require some extra support. There is a growing movement to extend play based learning into P1-2 and sometimes higher up in the school. Some schools have great links with an attached nursery, sharing resources and play with the younger children in the nursery class to soften the transition. 


Deferring a younger child who then would spend a further year at the nursery, can give a child time to mature emotionally and physically before starting school, we are happy to offer advice. If the child is eligible for deferral (between a mid-August and end of February birthday), this is funded in the same way that the other nursery years are (i.e. dependent on any blended setting and hours used). Some families whose child are not eligible for deferral choose to delay their schooling by a year. They would not be applicable for any funded nursery hours, but where it is an option to be privately funded, children can attend the Secret Garden (provided there is a space available) up to their 7th birthday.  

Flexi-schooling (either at home or becoming a Secret Garden Buzzard)

You may choose to do something other than the standard 5-day school week, and different families have a whole host of reasons for doing so. For example, a friend flexi-schools her children one day a week as they are bi-lingual, and it means they can focus on German books and resources during that time. 

Flexi- schooling is a broad category and there are ways to tailor your options. Some families choose to flexi-school one day at home, or the Secret Garden, alongside 4 days of school. Some families even do one of each with 3 days at school. Others may home educate for a few years then begin school, or the other way round…

Flexi schooling is at the discretion of the school and different schools do take different approaches. We do find that Fife is progressive in this area compared to other Local Authorities. We advise you to speak to the school to explore this option. A lot of schools around us are very supportive of the choices families make. 

I flexi-schooled my children one day a week for P1 and P2, each for different reasons. My youngest wanted to start school at 4 and to ensure he had enough rest time midweek, we flexi-schooled on a Wednesday, until he was able to move to a full 5 days. My eldest benefits mentally and physically from time in nature so being able to enjoy time outside once a week, really helped them both. I needed to stop due to our home life but hope to begin again when the situation allows. 

Some children benefit from bridging the transition from the Secret Garden to school by staying one or two days a week with us for a “Buzzard” year (provided there are spaces available).  We enjoy observing how their role in the woods changes as they mature, and they build on their learning, friendships and experiences. 

Home education

Home education may be right for you and can be suited to those who thrive with a path more tailored to suit their interests and pace. Parents often know by this point whether home education might be best for their family or you may need to change from mainstream education due to necessity. Home education can feel isolating for some parents and building a good supportive group around yourself can help. (We note some helpful resources further down.)

Sometimes children will need a new plan, (occasionally several throughout their education) and listening to their needs and working with those around them is so important to ensure that they thrive.  You know your child, and you know it is impossible to move through life making the best or ideal decision every time. 

Reflecting on how things are going, and keeping the communication lines open with all parties is the best way to ensure your child’s wellbeing and education are fully supported.

Preparing for school after forest nursery

Our experience shows that the grounding the children have at the Secret Garden prepares them well for life. Their rich experiences and child-led play in the woods help them to develop social skills, a curiosity to learn, resilience and self-esteem. With these key things blossoming, children are well placed to learn numbers, letters and facts later. 

Our Peripatetic teacher often remarks that children at the Secret Garden have more highly developed fine motor skills, this includes the ability to hold pencils and other tools.  Gross and fine motor skills are developed so well during these play-filled years with us in the woods.

We have had lovely feedback from a local teacher in a Primary school that receives Secret Garden graduates most years, saying

 “I always find that the children that come from the Secret Garden are more inquisitive and show more of an interest in learning something new. I find that they are more resilient than other children whether that is due to the outdoor setting, coping with weather, having to be more creative or imaginative but they are also more willing to give things a go and be less defeated if things go wrong. They are also a little more confident and louder!!” 

Image reads “I have already had my visit to school, I didn't want to go and then I didn't want to leave” Secret Gardener aged 4

How we can support children through the transition

We can see children being aware of the upcoming changes during their last term or two. Some worry, some are excited, many push the boundaries and almost all engage in a lot of play around the subject to process their feelings. 

We support the children by listening to them, engaging with their play when invited, answering their questions, and providing warm limits and boundaries when needed. As we near this time, we help children feel their sense of being in that transition phase, as one of the “bigger ones”, for example, they often bring in notebooks in the last term to write or draw in and we often give them some extra responsibilities so they get to step up and lead more in the group. 

It is helpful to practise reflecting on feelings and to practise some independence skills such as changing their own clothes, zipping jackets, putting on shoes, packing their bag, going to the toilet and washing hands. We support these skills with your child throughout their time at nursery. As their first day approaches try to get your child used to a routine as close to the one they will have when starting school. This allows the changes to be more gradual and less likely to be overwhelming on their first day. 

Schools usually offer settling in sessions, with different schools offering these at different times.  We encourage the class teachers to visit the children in the woods so the teachers get to know the children a little, and the children can feel safer on their first day with a face they are more familiar with. 

We ask families to fill out “All about me” forms for us to send to the schools. A local teacher gave the following feedback about the benefits of these visits and communication.

“I really enjoy the “All about me” information as it is concise and straightforward and gives you all the information you need to draw on for those initial interactions and relationship building…. I think it is very important to visit the site as part of the transition process as the format is so different from a typical council or indoor private nursery setting. Being on site has allowed me to see the levels of independence and creativity the children are capable of. It has also allowed me to be better able to put in place provisions in our school setting, that build upon this independent learning style and creativity, to make the transition a bit more straightforward for these children.”

Where to get information? 

Your child’s key worker and the practitioners who work with your child regularly are ideally placed to talk with you about your options. Our Care Manager, Assistant Care Manager and Administrative Manager are also experienced at supporting families through these times. Former Secret Garden parents are very happy to support on our closed Secret Gardeners Facebook group and other parents and families around you may have good advice too, or just be able to listen as you go through the decision- making process. 

There are many website-based resources such as the Parent Club website, along with Parenting across Scotland and there are many pages advocating for a delayed or slower transition from nursery to school such as Give them time and Upstart

For home education and Flexi schooling, there are many groups and resources to help with this and some local places to start with are Wilder Ways and Horizon groups which are run by Sustainable Community Initiatives, Fife Flexi Fridays support and Fife Home Educators. The Scottish Government also offers home education guidance along with many websites including The Scottish Home Education Forum and Fife Council

To note: We are aware that this blog is not inclusive of children who require a higher level of additional support to go through their education. Local Schools for Children with Additional Support Needs such as Kilmaron school in Cupar and Falkland House School may be able to support families with their individual needs. Fife Council website lists other options across the wider Fife area, Education Scotland and the Scottish Government also outline guidance and support options. The Enquire website has resources and factsheets on school placements and planning for starting school to support families with children with support needs.  Kindred Scotland are an advocacy organisation for parents of children with complex needs. I have used them and found them helpful.

In the Woods

Staying Warm, Dry, and in Good Spirits.

Updated winter Care of Children. Writen by Mazz Brown with many thanks to Claire McGarrie, Karen McLean and the Secret Garden team for their input and contributions.

We reach that time of year again when our staff meetings, training, and discussions with parents in the park (headtorch-illuminated or lit by a sun set to a low wick) turn to how best to care for the children and ourselves as we move through winter in the woods.

From a staffing perspective, winter is a season of high strategy, in which we rely on and revel in our culture of consistent, warm and respectful communication to ensure safe spaces can be held and maintained.

This is a season to value attention to small details; as much as possible giving ourselves space and time to prepare, checking the forecast, keeping it simple in our duty to provide attentive care, and never, ever, packing ourselves a mediocre lunch.

The children always have and always will be involved in decision-making at the Secret Garden, and winter is a time when this can really flourish. Circle times, intrinsic to our daily structure, can multiply to pre-empt or press pause on play if the elements renegotiate the terms.

‘It’s stopped/raining/stopped/hailing/snowing/stopped/the sun is out/gone/the wind has gone/picked up! What will we need today? What do you think we should do?’

Unfailingly gifted in noticing changes in weather patterns and what this could entail, the nursery community may need to decamp or regroup, pack or unpack, reassess their clothing needs, change a game from static to mobile or help a friend to find a glove.

This ‘supervised survival’ reads to the children as adventure of the purest kind, and develops skills in problem-solving, adaptability, flexibility and confidence.

No two winters are ever the same, and we are continually bemused, delighted, buffeted and humbled by a meteorological backdrop of endless change. Although collectively we do have many years of experience, and have found that paying particular attention to the following has had a great impact on our enjoyment of these wintry days outside.


· Every type of weather offers up play opportunities that other types cannot, and we put a great emphasis on role modelling positive attitudes to whatever is shone, showered, whistled, iced, misted or flurried our way.

· Weather apps or websites such as the Met Office are a useful resource for giving hour-by-hour information on how the weather may change as the day progresses, and deciding how much and what sort of kit may be needed.

· Wet or windy days will typically call for more layers, and it can be useful to have some of these be quick-drying such as fleece.


· Warm and comfortable layers are key. The Secret Garden day has periods of high and low exertion, activity and stillness. A warm/waterproof hat or a cosy hood and a buff/snood are ideal for keeping the wind at bay.

· Thermal, fleece, or woollen materials are far superior to cotton, which likes to soak up water and is a trickster, acquiring the shape of warmer garments like hoodies or jumpers while providing minimal heat. This is especially important for socks too.

· Staff are predictably well padded up themselves at this time of year so happy to discuss good clothing/layering options if there is any uncertainty around what is best.

· Waterproof mittens with a strap or zip* are a good choice as they are ideal for all weathers and enable uninterrupted access to messy play, though the child’s individual preference should be taken into account, as they are then more likely to be worn. Please choose gloves that fit your child well.

· Insulated wellies keep toes toasty and dry.

· Arriving in the park fully dressed ensures a speedy entrance into play and a smooth exit up the hill. If your child has a waterproof with braces, its best if this is the last layer, to help with easy toileting. Our journey involves some reliably wonderful puddles. Waterproofs over wellies please!

· Charity shops and second hand clothing apps such as Vinted have some great finds and we can loan out clothing and boots to our Secret Gardeners. Members of our Secret Gardeners Facebook group often offer outgrown clothing as well (ask us for the link as it`s private).


· The side pockets are best used for accessible gloves and a water bottle*

· A ziplock or dry waterproof bag for spare clothing/nappies is always a good idea. Even if your child is toilet trained, winter in the woods can throw up some surprises and it is entirely normal for this to sometimes take a step back.

· Lunch at the top of the bag is optimal. (Generally this is the first thing your child will need to access once we are in the woods.)

· A clean pair of ‘lunch gloves’ (not waterproof mittens) inside the lunch box* is a good idea too, for keeping fingers cosy while sitting.

· A hat with a torch built in or headtorch* for going down the hill in the dark.


· If possible, a warm breakfast before arrival in the park is ideal.

· A warm lunch in a thermos is also highly recommended. If your child really resists warm foods, having a thermos of whatever warm drink they like (chocolate, milk, juice etc.) alongside a cold lunch will be a great help in keeping cosy at lunchtime.

· Appealing, energy dense-foods that are likely to be enjoyed by your child are the best choice for woods days. Pasta, beans, leftovers from dinner, dried fruit and nuts, home baking, porridge and soup are all good options.

* These ideas we feel are especially helpful for promoting independence and building confidence in children’s self-care skills.

Further reading and resources:

In the Woods

Stepping Forward to Step Back-Winter Care of Children

As much as possible, when facilitating play for children at the Secret Garden we try to hold the space without taking ownership of it, in a culture of  ‘stepping back,’  a gentle yet powerful tool.

One intuitive practitioner worded it perfectly when she said she felt we should be ‘like trees.’ This puts us just outside the frame of play, protective but unobtrusive, not interrupting or directing, and simply maintaining a respectfully distant, quiet watch.

This approach is in concession to the fact that children seemingly at play are actually working hard-creating, testing, inventing and negotiating without adult input is where bonds form, links are made and minor triumphs tot up to major achievements, in social and physical development, and in a healthy trickle of pride, contentment and self-worth.

In every season it can sometimes be necessary to breach this code and step forward again if children need support to interact with each other safely and respectfully, but in the winter months this can increase for a variety of reasons; most presciently there is just simply a need for more 1:1 care.

Ensuring gloves and hats are on, mats are sat on and children are warm and dry, wellies and waterproofs are secured with socks free from leaf-litter or other uncomfy detritus, innovative strategies for pins and needles communicated and tissues distributed, the woods in winter can be thrilling and beautiful but equipping ourselves against the elements and modelling good self-care is vital to maintain equilibrium.  

Keeping spirits up and positive associations with nature ticking along are equally vital, particularly for new Secret Gardeners who haven’t yet experienced a full year in the woods and therefore have not yet been through a full seasonal learning cycle.

So we adapt…beginning with our daily routines. Knowing one of the best ways to stay cosy and rosy is to generate some of your own heat, in the park we try and discourage too much sitting on the swings and to encourage chasing games or climbing and clambering.

We try to keep a good pace walking up and down the hill to the woods, and try to make sure that everyone is kitted out comfortably, to their individual preferences, before setting off. Some children will often feel cold, some hardly ever will.

Warm lunches or a warm drink with lunch are highly recommended, so if children have brought flasks these will be met with great enthusiasm. Post-lunch, the story will often be short and sweet, or incorporate more actions or song, to get the blood moving and muscles engaged after a period of stillness.

Yoga or ‘adventures’ to other parts of the woods are good afternoon activities if children are struggling to zip back into play. 

Laughter and fun being the most warming of all, this is also the time of year when staff and children can really revel in the joy of games. Scavenger hunts, Hide and Seek…Flood, Fire or Freeze…What’s the Time Mr. Wolf?  and many others devised by one of our especially inventive practitioners not only warm the body but also the soul, reinforce connections with the children, and can provide a wonderful distraction from conditions that some may find challenging.

Winter is also fantastic for giving the children the opportunity to help with seasonally-appropriate jobs. Dragging a trug and collecting sticks on a crisp day, learning to saw, hammering rocks or spreading straw all introduce an element of fun, risk, and physical exertion, inspiring confidence via a selection of achievable challenges.

In our Spiral Curriculum, there are a few symbols that glow particularly brightly at this time of year. Ivy (willingness to express needs and ask for support) Silver Birch (showing signs of being confident and feeling safe with others, using assertive and responsible strategies) and Squirrel (sometimes taking initiative with ideas and leading others).

As practitioners, we try to nurture these by modelling warmth in our words and our deeds.

‘Are you nice and cosy?’ has proven to be an inspirational little couplet for encouraging Ivy and Silver Birch moments- it is head, heart and hand-warming to witness children helping themselves and each other with finding and putting on hats, jackets and gloves.

In the post-lunchtime hubbub we might dial up a couple of notches from our usual Whispering Practitioner volume to announce ‘I’m just going to put another layer on as I’ve been sitting still for a while and I want to be nice and cosy.’   

Nice and cosy…nice and cosy…reminders, gentle, consistent and demonstrable, of how to stay comfortable and therefore stay curious-are peppered throughout the day.

Extra layers quietly placed behind children as they eat, clean gloves put on after handwashing, warm fires to sing into and a blanket-lined tent for anyone who needs a rest in a quiet corner… there are so many ways to stay happy in the wild and once established these echo through the days and weeks to circle back again in lovely Squirrel moments.

The children can and do learn the limits of their own comfort and start to manage it on their own terms, inspiring others to do the same.

Staying comfortable enables us to stay curious, and to keep seeking out experiences in the open air-be that icy, wet, or blustery-that reward and fortify us. Looking back once more to the Spirals, the Scots Pine symbol represents ‘a sense of wonder and willingness to explore and engage with new places.’ A tree, and an idea, which is evergreen, and a reassuring constant throughout the year.

Written by Mazz Brown.

In the Woods

The Secret Gardener’s Story 2022 

This story is a collation of all the incredible play the children at the Secret Garden have been engaging in over the past year. Weaving in moments of nature connection, numeracy, literacy and our Spiral curriculum, all of the ideas are the children’s own, all of the quotations are theirs too.  

A great many thanks to the children for the endless inspiration, and to the staff team for their wonderful observations.  

Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year. 

Mazz Brown December 2022.  

Once upon a time, some children went to play in the woods.  

On the way they noticed some icy puddles, which some of them wanted to break, but others said the ghosts could catch them if they did that.  

They visited the lambs. They patted one that had only been born that morning, helped to feed another one, and helped to bed the sheep with new straw. And they sat in the tractor! 

When they arrived, the children were busy. Some of them made a fire, collecting wood, sorting the sticks and even making a fire safety circle.  

One was riding on her unicorn and a couple more were talking about a birthday party. “We’re going to play pass the parcel’, ‘and I am going to be 4.’ 

‘You’ll need 15 layers for that and I am 4 and ¾.’ 

From the woods, they could see smoke coming out of the new yurt chimney for the first time.  

They made shapes behind the tarp as the sun was shining on it. They acted out animals, while the others guessed what they were.  

Two children made a stick bus with log seats. The rest enjoyed rides in their bus-it had a round steering wheel made out of branches. 

At lunchtime, there were six strawberry cakes. And for the bad guys, hazelnut soup (it’s poisonous!) Some crumbs were fed to the birds, and the children discovered rhyming words. Tickle and pickle, bear and pear – please and cheese – cat, mat, hat. 

Someone said: ‘If you eat your crusts you’ll get hair on your hands!’ 

Then kittens and dogs were jumping into the swimming pool. 

‘We’re swimming in a sea of leaves!’ one child said. 

A pack of puppies were being walked on their leads. A sloth hung from a tree and a beautiful mural appeared on the woodshed. 

Two ladybirds sunbathed on a twig, and when the sun went in, the ladybirds crawled under the bark.  

There were snowdrops to count, and snow, and snowmen. A den that needed moss putting inside, with a door and a booby trap. And a trip to the zoo to feed pandas, penguins and elephants. 

Someone spent a long time watching a queen bumble bee crawling slowly up a tree…someone else watched a pheasant in the field. 

Once upon another time, the children noticed tulips on the walk up. What colour would they be when they opened?  

Bamboo was needed (for koalas) and plants from different parts of the woods. Curled fern fronds were found, they looked like mini broccoli! Someone drew a big spiral in the leaves, then made wings to turn it into a bee. 

Two children planted seeds they found, discussing how they would need water, sunshine and special wishes to make them grow. 

 ‘I wish, I wish, I wish my plant will grow,’ they said. 

Two others led a yoga class. Workers rebuilt the den, and one made soup for them to have afterwards. It needed more water-it was a bit too thick! 

Then came the new soft beech leaves…two children collected nectar to make green honey.  

The speedboat needed to be fixed to get to Edinburgh zoo. Some other children went to a funfair through a magic gate on a motorcycle, and others on a minibeast adventure…a couple more had toast and butter on the train to Dundee. 

Two children sorted grass. Which was the longest, shortest, medium size? Someone else used sticks to check and compare the height of her baby reindeers. Another found a V-shaped stick. 

‘It could be a triangle or bunny ears,’ they thought. 

‘Or antlers,’ said another.  

‘Or legs for Stickman,’ someone else suggested.  

Others threaded found items onto a woollen ‘loom’ between the trees. 

‘This tree is so tall, taller than me, taller than all of us, taller than the Eiffel tower in Paris,’ somebody said. 

The children saw 11 bees fly out of a hole in the ground, and made a protective area around it to warn others. 

There was a big adventure to Monimail, where there was a stream with green water snakes, and they made garlic soup.  

Someone said: 

‘It was the best day ever.’ 

Once upon another time, there was a Tree Blood Farm, with bark to pick off a fallen tree.  

Some children made a cosy safe nest for a robin, and there were baby wolves, pirates with leaves for treasure, and a pen built for some guinea fowl. 

‘They have wings but can’t fly,’ someone explained. 

Pizza was made and there were races, with children running around the outside of the quarry, and saying ‘well done!’ to each other.  

One child found a tickly ladybird, who opened its wings and flew onto his hand. Another child found a moth, and gently took it on a leaf, telling his friends,  

‘Shh…’ as he showed them. 

Some children decided it was time to rebuild the den again, while others were chatting about the crocodiles in the swamp. Another, while strimming, discovered lots of ripe brambles. 

There was a 5th birthday party with lots of cakes. But then one million Gruffalos tried to crash the party & were scared off with sticks!  

Once upon another time, the children heard a loud noise just as they arrived. Perhaps a deer? Where was it? Where was it coming from? 

There was a new ice cream shop, singing, and musical instruments being played. Some children collected water in the tarp to make potions, some others learnt to count in Dutch. 

One child was galloping along on their uncontrollable horse with cannon booster power. Spaceships were built, and there was ballroom dancing… 

A hairdressing salon, with haircuts, colouring, washing, conditioner and a mega dryer opened.  There was also a Bake Off competition, with some of the children making cakes, and one of them the judge. 

One afternoon, there was a lovely visit from the moth man. He came to show the children different moths he had caught. One of the children also found a moth, she was very gentle moving it. When it flew away another child said, 

‘It’s going back to nature.’ 

The children were invited to collect cooking apples from an apple tree, and they enjoyed freshly picked pears given to them by a kind neighbour in the village. 

One child opened a sweet shop. She had lots of customers! 

The children saw that the leaves were changing colour on the cherry tree, from red to yellow and brown. They saw the geese flying overhead.  

‘It’s like a bow and arrow.’ 

‘It’s like a smiley face.’ 

‘It’s like a Pterodactyl,’ they said.  

The children cooked fish biscuits and blueberry-flavoured sausages, and someone found the smallest baby ladybird ever. Some children went on a trip on the aeroplane but it needed some repairs before it could take off. 

Almost everyone made conker people. Pumpkin soup was made on the fire, and a couple of children visited a funfair and went on a rollercoaster which got out of control…they had to be rescued!  

Others went on a boat ride, and another group worked in a chocolate factory, making treats for all.  There were also autumn raspberries…and lemon balm… 

Once upon another time, the children saw the trees looked bare ‘without their leaves.’  

They watched the wind blow leaves off trees, they listened to the sound of wind, comparing it to the sea. One said, 

‘The wind is tickling me.’ 

Some children weaved willow shapes from broken willow they had found on the ground, wrapping string round to hold them. Others were farmers, ploughing the land.  

Some made Christmas decorations using yarn over a cut out cardboard Christmas tree, and Christmas cards which they delivered, singing. 

‘It’s an adventuring kind of day,’ one child said. 

The snow returned. Snowballs were thrown and some children made a ramp to sledge off a straw bale. They sledged in the field. They even sledged their way home. 

Somebody said: 

‘Giddy up Rudolph!’ 

(Not) The End…  

In the Woods

Watch Out, But Go For It!  

The Benefits of Risky Play 

We have seen many children arrive at the Secret Garden, often having just celebrated their third birthday, and not only get to grips with our unique entry into the nursery day (waterproofs on, backpacks on, playpark interlude, then a half-mile hike up to the woods) but also with the unique terrain, and the risky play opportunities this provides.   

Although everything exciting has some element of risk involved, denying children the right to discover what they are capable of is to deny them vital opportunities to develop and thrive on their own terms. By taking chances in their play, children learn valuable lifelong skills; how to risk-assess independently, how to support, communicate and negotiate with others, how to navigate the sometime-turbulent waters of getting mixed results…  

Naturally, there are limits. The safety of both staff and children is taken very seriously, with risk assessments regularly updated for all of the locations we go to, and through. (Deliberately titled ‘Benefit Risk Assessments’ in acknowledgement that great gains can be made from giving activities with an element of risk a go.) Adults are aware, always watchful, nearby and on hand should they need to step in. 

But in the main, the parameters are set by the child. Although physical dexterity, judgement and observation skills differ, children are naturally primed for survival and intrinsically aware of their own boundaries, capable of measuring risks and making sound judgements. Many children are skilled at self-regulation, with an instinctive sense of their own capabilities. It would be careless to overlook this and prevent them from shaping their individual approach to risk. 

We also have a responsibility to respect and nurture the children’s natural curiosity, enabling and facilitating play that rewards them in the pursuit of it. This cannot exclude risky play, with levels available for all. For every tree that can offer a challenging climb six feet off the ground, (this, we feel, is a comfortable limit) there is a log that can provide a balancing opportunity of just a few inches.  

We believe strongly in helping children to recognise and set their own limits when it comes to assessing and tackling risky play. For example, a child asking a grown up to lift them up into a tree or onto a swing is perhaps not quite ready for a challenge of that size. Which is perfectly fine. With a trusted adult closeby, holding the space for them, often we find this same child will be ready later that day. Or later that hour, or even after a few more minutes of considering, evaluating, emboldening…  

Witnessing first-hand the obvious triumph and pride a child gains by ascending one branch higher, whizzing down a mudslide or landing deftly on top of a hay bale is like seeing a fire suddenly catch. The accomplishment is electrifying, and the child will often whoop, beaming, or run about as a sudden rush of joy powers through them. 

Launching out into the wilderness is exciting. Testing oneself in the wilderness is exhilarating, and returning from the wilderness buoyant from the experience is life-affirming, building independence, confidence, and fanning the flames of self-belief.  

In the Woods

Found Food: Foraging at the Secret Garden 

Lush and bountiful were the words that came to mind as we took temporary leave of our beloved woods for the summer break. 

The bright watercolour leaves of spring had deepened to a richer palette with chlorophyll in strong evidence. Woodland plants growing side by side exuded a delicious cocktail of scent in the warmth of the sun, and for a few weeks the soundtrack of laughing children was swapped out for the soft hum of bees, the rustle of willow and vibrant, multivocal birdcall. 

At the Secret Garden we are so fortunate to have the facilities for both cultivated and wild plant growth and appreciation. The children nurture their relationship with the natural world as they nurture the plants in our nursery garden, witnessing growth cycles, identifying species and whenever possible sampling edible varieties, each experience reinforcing that magical link between seed to soil to shoot to plant. 

For children in the early years, the sensory experience of picking and eating food growing wild is a primal and powerful thing, lingers long in the memory and brings them real joy, and so if at all possible, this is something that we try to respect, educate on, responsibly encourage and not deny.     

In a spirit of open communication, the children are supported to understand that any plant we forage must first be identified by an adult. Resources such as field guides and ID charts are provided to increase knowledge and inspire their interest, while certain things are left well alone. We never, for instance, pick mushrooms. 

Aspiring to exist synergistically with the other life that calls the woods home, gentle yet consistent reminders to notice and appreciate the foraging habits of other creatures, as well as the needs of plants and trees, are a chance to communicate playfully as well as learn. 

‘Do you think that ladybird might be about to eat their lunch?’ 

Our last few weeks were greatly enhanced with the foraging opportunities of the season, and the children loved literally seeing the fruits of all the gardening labours emerge in the strawberry patch and the blackcurrant bushes; particularly abundant this year. 

Mint, lemon balm and fennel had been thriving thanks to the careful attentions of our gardener and herbalist dream team, keeping the younger fresh in breath and the older refreshed with fragrant infusions. 

Elsewhere, the play spaces are awash! Amiable plantain, with little cheerful wands that can be steamed and eaten like a vegetable, and leaves that can be picked and thoroughly squashed release a juice that soothes nettle stings even more effectively than the traditional dock. 

We also have a sizeable plantation of comfrey, another known for its healing properties. Historically used to treat wounds, comfrey can be mashed to a poultice and applied to sprains and breaks, and makes a great natural bandage.  

Earlier in the year, the fresh, lemony tang of young beech leaves were enjoyed as we were on the move between play sites (is it a coincidence two of our stopping places are beech trees?) and wild garlic and raspberries were also in abundance.  

More recently the Cleavers, (or Sticky Willy), reappeared to claim their annual crown of adhesive all-star, appropriately playing a starring role in the birthday crowns we make for the children.  

These multifaceted marvels are a natural detoxifier and the freshly-picked leaves, rinsed well and left overnight in a jug of water, make a wonderful lymphatic tonic. Tasting vaguely herbal and grassy, its effects, it must be mentioned, are allegedly diuretic too. 

Then once dried out, they can be used for lighting fires when the burrs have turned to brrrs….and they more or less gather themselves! Kitted out in natural fibres and in the excellent company of a Secret Gardener, I believe you will be able to make it home with a bunch entirely hands-free.   

In the trees and hedgerows, the brambles and plums hold back until autumn, but the milky beechnuts are already falling and the waving cherries glow from a faint blush to magenta.  

The season continues to turn like notches on a dimmer switch, moving through each subtle shade.   

By Mazz Brown, with thanks to Anna Kinross for her kind contributions. 

In the Woods

A story for Spring- The don`t be silly kingdom

A photo of a woods practitioner laughing with two children

Stories, widely loved and shared by all ages, are a treasured ritual in the Secret Garden, ingrained into our daily routine when the adult in the ‘Snack Bag’ role will tell a tale after lunch. Although impromptu storytelling can and does occur at other points in the day, this is a carefully chosen moment, when the children are able to relax and concentrate before they embark on the essential task of the afternoon’s play.

The stories we tell and how we tell them can be hugely impactful for the early years. Stories not only provide abundant literacy and numeracy opportunities through the use of rhyme, rhythm, counting and measurement, they also encourage a sense of community and kinship, and introduce and develop pertinent themes such as friendship, kindness, resilience and social inclusion. (This list is not exhaustive!)

Many factors influence our story choices; observing particular points of interest in the children’s play, our use of the Hand in Hand tools and the Spiral Curriculum, and our Seasonal Learning Cycle, which mark the transitions the children will be making as the year progresses. This gives us a lovely wide scope for selecting stories that will resonate and inspire, as well as a framework for approaching the act of storytelling in a spirit of empathy, nurture and fun.

Thinking about how to support children with pre-school nerves/self-esteem struggles over the past few months, I’ve written a story in celebration of silliness and good humour…

The Don’t Be Silly Kingdom-a story for the Secret Garden children.

Once upon a time there was a land where everybody was very serious. Nobody was allowed to laugh. And this was because the Lord of the land did not like laughing. Or even smiling. Because sometimes you smile before you laugh, don’t you?

So all through the streets, and in the parks, and on all the lampposts, were big signs that said:


There were swings and a slide and a roundabout in the park, but when the children played on them it wasn’t very fun. They couldn’t swing too high on the swings, in case it was too much fun. The roundabout had to go very slowly, or it might be too much fun. If the slide got wet in the rain it was CLOSED, because it would be far too easy to whoosh down and say ‘Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!’ And then what might happen? They might LAUGH.

There were no funfairs or circuses or birthday parties. The shopkeepers weren’t even allowed to sell bananas, because one day someone had dropped a banana skin and the postwoman had slipped and fallen on her bottom, and this had made her laugh so much that bananas were forever BANNED.

One day a new family arrived in the land. There was a little boy, a little girl, and a mummy and daddy, and they wanted to open a joke shop. They had lots of things with them that were a bit funny…pretend glasses and pretend noses, and pretend biscuits made of rubber that you could put next to someone’s cup of tea and TRICK them, so when they bit into it they said ‘Blerrrk!’ instead of ‘Yum!’

They had itching powder and soap that made your face dirty instead of clean. And they had whoopee cushions…

When they told the people of the land that they wanted to open a joke shop, the people said, very seriously: ‘Oh no no no no no. The Lord of the land will not allow it! He doesn’t like jokes.’

‘But why?’ the family asked. And the people of the land pointed to the signs and said:

‘Jokes make people laugh! The Lord of the land doesn’t like laughing!’

The new family were very confused. The little girl asked:

‘Why doesn’t he like laughing?’

The little boy asked:

‘What is his name?’

And these were questions that no one could answer. When the people heard them they tucked their lips in and shook their heads and some of them even ran away, hiding their faces in their sleeves!

‘Right, that’s it. We’re going to see the Lord,’ the family decided.

They walked all the way up the hill to the big castle where the Lord lived. They knocked on the big door: ka-boom-ka-boom-ka-boom.

The door swung open and two very tall, very serious guards stood over them.

‘Yes, what do you want?’ they boomed.

‘We want to see the Lord!’ the family said.

The guards looked at each other and said:

‘Follow me.’

So into the castle they went. It was very dark. There were no pictures on the wall or flowers on the tables. They followed the guards up to the highest room and waited while they knocked on the door.

‘Come in!’ said a very serious-sounding voice. The door opened.

Inside, on a beautiful chair, on a big squashy cushion, sat the Lord of the land.

He was wearing the most wonderful clothes. He wore a top hat and a bright velvet jacket. He wore polka-dotted pantaloons and on his feet were enormous shoes like a clown. But the Lord didn’t know this, because no circus had ever been to the land, he had never even seen a clown!

The Lord’s clothes were so cheerful and bright, the family were finding it very hard not to smile. They squeezed their cheeks together and said:

‘We have just arrived in the land and we would like to open a joke shop, please, if you wouldn’t mind?’

The Lord snorted.

‘NO,’ he snapped. ‘I absolutely WOULD mind. Hasn’t anyone told you I don’t like jokes?’ He looked very cross. He folded his arms in front of his chest and he glared at them.

‘Yes,’ the little girl said, ‘but no one will tell us WHY.’

‘Yes,’ the little boy said, ‘and no one will tell us your NAME.’

The Lord looked even more cross! He stood up out of his chair and stuck his hands on his polka-dotted hips.

‘NO one,’ he boomed, ‘has told you my NAME?’

The family shook their heads.

The Lord puffed out his chest and took a deep breath.

‘My name…is…’

‘LORD BAZOOKA BANANA ROOTY TOOT TOOT!’ he shouted, sticking one finger in the air and looking at them all one by one. ‘The FIRST!’ he added, proudly.

Well. What do you think happened next?

Have you ever tried to stop yourself laughing when you’re not supposed to laugh? It is really, really, hard. A great big wave of laughter rose and rose within them, until the whole family went:


Lord Bazooka Banana Rooty Toot Toot stamped his big clown shoes and clenched his fists.

‘Stop it stop it stop it!’ he shouted. But the family couldn’t stop. It was just too funny.


The Lord called his guards.

‘General Toothbrush! General Toothpaste! Take them AWAY!’

General Toothbrush and General Toothpaste tried to grab the mummy and daddy by the arms, but the little girl jumped up behind them and sprinkled itching powder all down their backs!

‘Aaiieieeeeeee!’ they shrieked and straight away they let the mummy and daddy go and started scratching, leaping up and down like a couple of frogs.

Lord Bazooka Banana Rooty Toot Toot was very distracted by all of this. He was so distracted, he didn’t notice the little boy had ducked down to hide, so that he could secretly blow up a whoopee cushion.

The little boy snuck up behind the Lord’s chair. He hid it under the big squashy cushion and ran back to his family.

‘Stop laughing stop laughing stop laughing!’ the Lord was shouting. He clapped his hands over his ears.

The little girl looked at him very closely. She saw that he actually looked a little bit sad.

‘Stop laughing AT ME!’ the Lord wailed.

Now, the family loved to laugh and joke, but they were also very kind. The little girl walked up to the Lord and held out her hand to shake his hand.

‘Lord Bazooka Banana Rooty Toot Toot,’ she said seriously, ‘it is so lovely to meet you.’

The little boy walked over too, and held out his hand to shake the Lord’s hand.

‘Your name is a bit funny,’ the little boy said. ‘But it is a BRILLIANT name. It might be the best, most brilliant name I have ever heard!’

The mummy and daddy also held out their hands to shake.

‘We didn’t mean to upset you. We just love to laugh! Maybe you could try it sometime? It can make you feel happy,’ they said.

And the Lord looked at the little girl, and the little boy, and the mummy and daddy, and their open hands. And very slowly, he shook each one.

And then, very slowly, he smiled. He had a lovely smile!

And then he sat back down. On his chair. And what happened?

PPPPPRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPP said the whoopee cushion!

Nobody moved. Nobody breathed. Even General Toothbrush and General Toothpaste stopped scratching and leaping. Everyone looked at the Lord and waited…

And waited….

Lord Bazooka Banana Rooty Toot Toot the First threw back his head and ROARED with laughter.


And the family knew that this time, it was okay to join in.


They laughed until their sides ached. They laughed until tears ran down their cheeks.

So after this, things were very different. All the ‘No Laughing’ and ‘No Smiling’ signs were taken down. People were allowed to have birthday parties. The funfair came! And then the circus! Bananas were back in the shops and the family were able to open their joke shop. They called it ‘The Do Be Silly Kingdom.’

General Toothbrush and General Toothpaste shook off all the itching powder, decided it had actually been quite funny after all, and went back to buy some more…

And the land was a much happier, smiley place to live. Now you can hear the laughter for miles.

Oh! I almost forgot to tell you the family’s names. The little girl was called Bingle Bongle. The little boy was called Pingle Pongle. And the mummy and daddy were called Mr. and Mrs. Onglebongle.

The End.

Copyright Mazz Brown

May 2022

In the Woods

With every blossom`s opening, Spring is celebrated

Spring has sprung! And though I type this with rain lashing ceaselessly against the window from a smudged pencil rubber of a sky, the happy signs of the season change are here.

The cherry blossom cracked its neat buds on the Row this week to peek out from its unzipped jackets. It will only be a matter of time before we are singing under those white, swaying boughs…

Daffodils abound, the birds are in fine voice, and new lambs are prancing in the field next to the Squirrel Run where the grass, thick and green and lush, cushions the horizon.

And Easter is imminent…a time of revival, renewal, and joyfully misjudging how much chocolate is a bit too much.

Easter egg hunts originated in medieval times, when abstinence from animal products during Lent necessitated boiling any fresh eggs to keep them edible. At the end of the Lent period the men of the village would hide the eggs for the women to find.

As fun as I’m sure that was, I must admit I am thankful that over time this has evolved into hiding chocolate eggs instead, as I suspect a 40 day old boiled egg wouldn’t incite the same appreciation in these modern times…or perhaps it would?

The Secret Garden children have been demonstrating their superior sleuthing skills this week in a series of egg-hunts around the various sites in the woods. It has been clear to see that no Easter egg can escape the attentions of a group of children so thoroughly versed in Hide and Seek.

Scotland is also a devout follower of the pace-eggin’ tradition, in which eggs are hard-boiled and beautifully decorated prior to being sent careering down a suitable hill.  There is some argument about where this practice originated, so if you are taking part in the pace-eggin’ but also the argument, beware of this reaching the point where you are distracted to the point of missing where your egg ends up!

For those of you venturing out and about this weekend here are some festive events happening nearby:

Finally, some news that isn’t so sweet. You may have heard some whispers about the dubious ethical practices of certain chocolate companies. For information on some kinder choices, here are some sites that could be useful:

Wishing you all a very happy Easter weekend, and if you are enjoying outdoor spaces, watch out for errant eggs underfoot!

Written by Mazz Brown.